Are you tired of being on the hamster wheel of life? Do you feel that you are here for a reason and can't seem to figure out your place? Are you bored of your reality? There is so much you want to express and you do not know where to put your focus? Where do you start? When you do say "Yes" to that internal voice you find that it is followed by a whirlwind of anxiety, confusion, resistance? In fact, who do you think you are to be a creator? Do you really have that much power of your life experiences anyway? Can you possibly learn how to create in a way that is effortless and with ease?
I am here to share with you that for me when I would get serious about what the next thing I was to create it landed me in the land of resistance. Some of you may call it procrastination... I would clean the house... get resentful that I had no time to myself... then I did get time to myself and I found myself cleaning. ... LoL... (do you relate?) Then I would sit at my computer and try to create something and the energy just seemed to go right out of it. Then my "old self" would go into judgment, compare myself to others, and wondered when would it be my turn to play in this world of creation.
It truly was not until I truly asked myself What do I really want? What is it that I really want to experience? If I had all the time and money in the world (so much more to say about this writing prompt) would I play? What would I do with having more spaciousness in my life? For me.. one of the several points that showed up for me is that "I want to play"... and what would even be more fun... I would love to play with others! When I allowed myself to imagine playing the resistance left. So this opportunity is directly connected to my inner desire to play and play with others.
What if I told you that as we follow what brings us JOY we are LIVING our purpose. And some of us will even create businesses around the things that brings us JOY!
What I'm feeling is that for some of you there is a deep yearning for the freedom to play. Maybe even some judgment as you reflect on the restriction and pain you currently are in during this time? Please know that the truth is that you are in your divine and perfect timing. If you have not connected to your spiritual gifts that I call super powers it is simply because it was not yet time. Trust this... Trust that your path is unfolding in exact timing... that all is good! You are in your perfection and did not make any mistakes. A lot had to happen before the world would be ready for truly your super powers to radiate on this planet.
Please know more in the world is coming. You can choose to get distracted by this or you can choose to focus your energy on coming into your spiritual gifts and embodying your super powers. My inner knowing and guidance is screaming at me... with enthusiasm, celebration, and excitement... "the time you have been waiting for is now!" "It is here... It is all here and now." Can you feel the new vibration on our planet. We no longer need to wallow in our healing. You have done the healing work. It is done. You are healed and in your perfection. It is now time for you to step fully into your essence.. your truth.. your spiritual gifts.. and embody your super powers! This is truly only for you and your pleasure. Plus, it totally impacts all around you. Yes, what you project creates a ripple effect around you. :-)
I awoke with the download of this course and could feel the vibration of it. It is one of the most exciting things I've ever created. My intention of this group is that by participating in it you will also come into contact with members of your soul tribe. They may be in the group with you and/or they will begin to cross your path in other ways. In this group, you will be surrounded with people who can actually see you in your essence and truth. Do not underestimate the power of these relationships and the possibilities that exist for you as you step into this portal of co-creation.
If it is in alignment to your soul's desires, I so look forward to connecting with you. I AM so excited to share with you my vibration, joy, and the sacred portal of divine love that will surround you in this experience.
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